Latest articles from fDi

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Privatisation news

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Will Kazakhstan contest latest arbitration ruling?

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Global auto projects fall by 39.6%

In line with economic predictions, fDi Markets has recorded a significant drop in the number of projects in the automotive OEM and automotive components sector.

From Sectors

Recovery helps SWF assets rise

From Sectors

Office rents cut as demand lags

From Sectors

Editor's note: The grass isn’t always greener...

From Locations

Global Outlook Report 2010

From Events

Europe's most promising FDI destinations recognised

During fDi Intelligence's lunch briefing during MIPIM on March 16th, representatives of winning locations from the fDi European Cities & Regions of the Future 2010/11 rankings collected awards. The event took place at the Majestic Barriere hotel

From Archive

BIO 2010

From Archive

MIPIM 2010

Global greenfield investment trends

Crossborder investment monitor

fDi Markets is the only online database tracking crossborder greenfield investment covering all sectors and countries worldwide. It provides real-time monitoring of investment projects, capital investment and job creation with powerful tools to track and profile companies investing overseas.

Click here to find out more about fDi Markets

Corporate location benchmarking tool

fDi Benchmark is the only online tool to benchmark the competitiveness of countries and cities in over 50 sectors. Its comprehensive location data series covers the main cost and quality competitiveness indicators for over 300 locations around the world.

Click here to find out more about fDi Benchmark

Research report

fDi Intelligence provides customised reports and data research which deliver vital business intelligence to corporations, investment promotion agencies, economic development organisations, consulting firms and research institutions.

Find out more.